Jadrová energetická spoločnosť Slovenska, a. s., is a member of two information and special interest organizations: Občianska informačná komisia Bohunice (Civil Information Committee of Bohunice) and Zväz zamestnávateľov energetiky Slovenska (Union of Employers of Power Industry in Slovakia).
Civil Information Committee of Bohunice
Civil Information Committee of Bohunice (hereafter referred to as OIK)was founded to provide accurate and objective information on all aspects of construction, operation, reconstruction, decommissioning of nuclear installations, storing and treatment of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste with an aim to keep open dialogue on peaceful use of nuclear energy.
OIK aims to improve knowledge of the public living within the evacuation region of nuclear installations in Jaslovské Bohunice site, where the below mentioned companies are active: Jadrová a vyraďovacia spoločnosť, a. s. (hereafter referred to as JAVYS), Slovenské elektrárne, a.s., a member of the ENEL group (hereafter referred to as SE – Enel), Jadrová energetická spoločnosť Slovenska, a. s. (hereafter referred to as JESS), on all its aspects and potential impact on the environment, namely by means of representatives of SE – Enel , JAVYS, JESS and ZMO for the region of Jaslovské Bohunice NPP.
OIK has 16 members as follows:
- 3 community representatives which represent population living nearby the nuclear installation site.
- 2 community representatives from the first evacuation area which represent a first one-third of territory of the dedicated nuclear installation evacuation area,
- 3 community representatives from the second evacuation area which represent the second one-third of territory of the dedicated nuclear installation evacuation area,
- 3 community representatives from the third evacuation area which represent the final third of territory of the dedicated nuclear installation evacuation area,
- 5 representatives of nuclear utilities acting in Jaslovské Bohunice site according to following structure: 2 representatives of JAVYS, 2 representatives of SE – Enel and one representative of JESS.
Union of Employers of Power Industry in Slovakia
Union of Employers of Power Industry in Slovakia (ZZES) is a voluntary special-interest organization. It is an independent organization, which associates employers in the Slovak Republic, of which the objective is production and distribution of electrical power (or/and of combination with thermal power) and the activities relating to it as researching, designing, production, installation and operation of devices for needs of power supply. The Union associates legal as well as physical entities of the mentioned activities of respective fields.
ZZES has 31 member organizations. Jadrová energetická spoločnosť Slovenska, a. s. became a regular member of ZZES on 13 May 2010, by decision of the General Assembly of ZZES.
The main objective of the Union is to defend the interests of its members and represents them in dealing with governmental bodies and other bodies and organizations and the Union co-ordinates activities related to collective negotiation and in concluding the collective agreements. The Union plays an important role in legislative issues, by creation and revision of legal regulations related to activities of its members. It facilitates the unification of wordings and objectives and following-up implementation of basic principles of EU legislation. Furthermore, the Union supports the activities of its members by means of cooperation with similar institutions from abroad, organizes different excursions, mutual consultations and internships.