Economic Analysis

The evaluation of the economic feasibility of the NNPP project is the key part of the economic analysis, which reflects the conclusions and recommendations contained in other chapters of the Feasibility Study as well as specific inputs provided by JESS and/or its shareholders.

A total of 6 variants of the NNPP projects were analysed in terms of investment evaluation. The key evaluation outputs are net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) along with other parameters required by the JESS shareholders (total need for own equity capital and borrowed funds, distribution of investments over time, etc.).

This section also includes the sensitivity analysis for each of the referred scenarios.The result is that each variant of the NNPP project is economically viable, provided that all input requirements are fulfilled. The feasibility of the presented financial overviews depends on the continued validity of the assumptions, based on which the economic analysis has been prepared.

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