General Meeting
The General Meeting is a supreme body of the company. Its scope of activities is defined in the Articles of the Company.
Statement from the regular general meeting of 30 6. 2020
Commercial company Jadrová energetická spoločnost Slovenska, a. s., in accordance with the provisions of § 188 par. 5 of Act no. 513/1991 Coll. The Commercial Code, as amended, publishes the voting results from the regular general meeting held on June 30, 2020 at the company’s headquarters.
The general meeting was attended by shareholders who jointly subscribed for 7,211,900 registered registered common shares with a nominal value of EUR 30 per share, which in relation to the amount of the company’s share capital represents a total of 100% shareholder participation.
100% of the votes of all shareholders were cast at the general meeting for all individual draft resolutions. No one abstained from voting. Based on the above, it can be concluded that 100% of valid votes were cast, cast valid votes represent 7,211,900 shares and 100% of the share capital of Jadrová energetická spoločnost Slovenska, a. s.
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board is a supreme supervisory body of the company and has four members. Based on the proposal of the stockholders members of the Board of Directors are elected. Among other things, the supervisory board is responsible for electing or dismissing members of the board of directors at the proposal of the company’s shareholders.
Composition of the Supervisory Board of Jadrová energetická spoločnosť Slovenska, a. s.:
Ing. Miroslav Obert
Chairman of the Supervisory BoardJUDr. Marek Šlégl
Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory BoardMgr. Petr Disman, MSc.
Member of the Supervisory BoardIng. Rastislav Podhorec, MBA
Member of the Supervisory BoardBoard of Directors
The Board of Directors is the statutory body of the company and has four members. The Board of Directors makes decisions on all matters of the company, unless such decision is appropriated for the General Meeting or the Supervisory Board according to legal regulations or Articles of the Company. On behalf of the company, the chairman and the vice-chairman of the board of directors, or jointly at least three members of the board of directors, sign and act together.
Composition of the Board of Directors of Jadrová energetická spoločnosť Slovenska, a. s.:
Ing. Tomáš Vavruška
Chairman of the Board of DirectorsIng. Roman Sporina
Vice Chairman of the Board of DirectorsIng. Marcel Pernica
Member of the Board of DirectorsJUDr. Anabela Roková Tutičová
Member of the Board of DirectorsOrganizational structure
Composition of the Management of Jadrová energetická spoločnosť Slovenska, a. s.: